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Friday, January 29, 2010

"You musn't give your heart to a wild thing."

I love Breakfast at Tiffany's. It's such a beautiful movie.. I miss Old Hollywood. I truly believe if that type of entertainment existed in present day we would all be better off. However, more people would smoke, and that would not be so great. I don't understand the appeal. I guess it was more of a status/rebellion thing back then... but these days.... WHY would anything think that's attractive. Not only does it look bad, but the smell is gag-worthy, it's bad for your teeth and it's basically killing you softly. It's a habit that instantly makes a good looking person unattractive. Not meaning to attack those that do, it's just something that doesn't make sense to me. Anywho.

This is a snow day at it's finest. I can't remember the last time I've seen this much snow. My grandmother decided it was a good day for me to try snow cream! I had never heard of it, but it's delicious! I decided to stay at her house considering she lives less than a mile down the road from me, I haven't been to the grocery store in a month, and we don't have cable. Plus, KY plays Vandy tomorrow, of course I couldn't risk missing that. It looks like my weekend is going to be filled with movies, ballgames, coffee and lots of relaxation. Good thing I got my income statement done yesterday! I really needed this weekend to work on my collection... I guess the Lord had other plans, and that's 110% okay with me. I'm going to end up pushing myself to the end and cramming everything in at once. Not the best idea, but it'll be alright.. if I don't change my concept again that is.

Good things have been happening lately. It's amazing how many times I start thinking negatively, step back and say a really long prayer and let my heart out to the only person that can help me though... and things begin to fall in to place. Nothing is set in stone and there's a lot to be done, but I'm okay with that. I'm not asking for things to come together right now, but progress is always encouraging. I know things will work out, I just have to be patient and persistent. Please keep me in your prayers bloggers, I'm about to embark on the biggest adventure of my life, Lord willing.

♥ ♥ ♥

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