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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

New Answers for Old Questions

Because life has been so insane lately, I didn't even have a chance to PROPERLY wish Caitlin HAPPY FREAKING 21ST BIRTHDAAYY on Monday! SO here is my "i'm sorry for being a terrible friend" birthday post! I'm excited to celebrate this week!

In other news. I am absolutely exhausted. I've worked non-stop for the past 2.5 weeks. I'm not complaining by any means, I'm lucky to have a job in an economy that's so bad, many people don't. 2010 has definitely started with a bang! J will be gone the entire month of Feb. to Australia and Japan. I'm slightly jealous, I cannot lie. I'm past the point of Seniorites, I'm ready to graduate. I'm ready to find new places and new adventures. It's not that I'm unhappy with my life right now, I'm just to the point where I need a drastic change. I'm not mad at anyone, nor do I want to "get away" from anyone, I feel like by being else where I'll be closer to the people I love here in Franklin.
I've been thinking about places to move to lately and researching condos in the process. I can't wait to have my own place. I will miss having roommates though, I'll miss the company and never being alone. I might have to get a dog... I've decided that 1 room will be designated for books only.. I want a wall full of books so I can go in, choose one off the shelf and read until I'm so tired I fall asleep. Everything will be crisp, clean and classy. I want Andy Warhol's art and pictures of people & places I love to grace the walls, twinkle lights in my room and candles all over the place. It will be my haven of perfectly coordinated mismatching interior genres. Oxymoron? I said it would represent me, didn't I? Here are some images that portray a little bit of what's in my head.



  1. AWW. You are SO not a bad friend. And thank you so much for the birthday wish!!!

  2. those rooms are magical and make me very happy on the inside! i think my heart just did a little dance.. o for the love of interior decorating!! eek!
