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Sunday, November 29, 2009

Blah Blah Blahh

Venting. Phase one starts now.

I am so annoyed with the lack of effort some people put in to friendship. (To all of my close friends/school friends/relatives, I am not referring to you :))) Friendship is a 2 way street. Being someone's friend doesn't mean talking to them once in a while, it's an investment. Acquaintances are different, those are people you see from time to time and talk to on occasion. But in a friendship when one person does all the contacting, all the talking, and puts all the effort into maintaining a "friendship" with the other person, HELLO that is NOT friendship! It just makes me so mad that some "people" don't get that. BUH. Frustrations. I'm over it, totally and completely over it. If and when they decide they want to be friends, they can come to me. Long distance friendships suck, but they suck even more when it feels like there's nothing worth investing your time in.

At the end of the day, lovelovelove.


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